Our offices are currently closed for in-person training to help fight the spread of the Coronavirus, but you can still use this site to register to join the Harambee network and complete our online work-seeker support trainings or get advanced training on interview prep. Remember ….


  • BE SMART –  You can still grow your employability and look for work during lockdown – use free online courses to improve your skills and employability
  • BE SAFE – Follow Government of Rwanda updates and guidelines on staying safe during this time and follow us on Facebook
  • BE KIND – Be a change champion and encourage others to adhere to the rules of the lockdown

Harambee Rwanda by the numbers


young people supported


young people pathwayed into job opportunities, work experiences, or learning opportunities

Partnered with over


Between 18-35 years old and looking for a job?

Harambee work-seeker supporting training gives you the skills you need to find income generating opportunities.
Have an interview coming up and want some additional support in preparing? You can also send us your CV for feedback at CV@
We have also prepared online interview tips to help you prepare for your next interview. 


Have you found an opportunity?  We would like to hear any updates on your employment journey.

What is Harambee?

What is the Hanga Ahazaza partnership?

candidate stories

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