About the campaign
Shortly after COVID-19 broke out in Rwanda, Harambee initiated the Tuzatsinda campaign to build hope among young people during COVID-19 and after when rebuilding the country’s economy. Through this campaign, we shared relevant and factual information to help young people stay informed and be smart, change their behaviours to be safe, and be agents of change for their families and communities.
We prepared resources that can be useful in advancing young people’s skills to find work and define their goals. These are still useful to work-seekers.
We produced the below three comics in both English and Kinyarwanda to motivate young people to keep learning and working as hard in this tough time and most importantly stay safe. Click on the graphics to read them.
Radio Shows
We aired different shows on different radios to reach millions of young people across the country. The shows covered several topics such as; how young people can support each other, building experience and learning new skills in this time, how to prepare for interviews, and how to write a good CV, among others. Additionally, we aired skits on Radio Rwanda to encourage young people to remain active and supportive in this time.

Through our work with different partners, we reached almost one million people, directly engaged 54,000 people on social media and millions more via targeted radio shows and skits.